# Name Year Award
1 Seda Tunçay (M.Sc) 2009 METU Best Thesis Award in Biology
2 Sreeparna Banerjee (P.I) 2011 Turkish Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Award (TÜBA-GEBİP)
3 Erhan Astarcı (Ph.D) 2011 METU Best Thesis Award in Biochemistry
4 Sreeparna Banerjee (P.I) 2012 Kocaeli University Prof. Dr. Baki Komsuoglu Young Scientist Award
5 Şebnem Garip Ustaoğlu (Ph.D) 2013 METU Best Thesis Award in Biochemistry
6 Aslı Sade Memişoğlu (Ph.D) 2014 METU Best Thesis Award in Biology
7 Yanuar Dwi Putra Limasale (M.Sc) 2015 METU Best Thesis Award in Biotechnology
8 Sreeparna Banerjee (P.I) 2016 Bilim Akademisi Genç Bilim İnsanları Ödül Programı (BAGEP)
9 Sreeparna Banerjee (P.I) 2017

METU Mustafa Parlar Educator of The Year Award

10 Ilir Sheraj (Ph.D student) 2017

METU Course Performance Award

11 Hepşen Hazal Hüsnügil (Ph.D Student) 2018

METU Course Performance Award


Sreeparna Banerjee (P.I) 2018

METU Mustafa Parlar Educator of The Year Award


İsmail Güderer (M.Sc Student) 2019

METU Course Performance Award


Aydan Torun (M.Sc) 2020

METU Best Thesis Award in Molecular Biology and Genetics


Sreeparna Banerjee (P.I) 2022

METU Excellence in Teaching Award

*M.Sc, Graduated from M.Sc program, **Ph.D, Graduated from Ph.D program, ***P.I, Principle Investigator.

Last Updated:
18/01/2024 - 16:25